
In this era of technology and the digitalization of everything, people’s lives have become easy and efficient. Mostly, the impacts of technology are positive as they make the work and lives productive. But there can also be disadvantages to the activity levels of people as they are likely to become lazy and with least attention span. It can make people prone to not putting in the effort themselves.

It affects different aspects of their lives like physically and emotionally both. In other words, the overall effect on people is not categorized as good or bad. But we can say that technology sure has an impact on people’s activity levels.

The Impact of Technology on People’s Activity Levels:

Health Issues:

The technological revolution has an inversely proportional impact on the physical activities of people. As they tend to do the work through technology and not themselves. It provides them fewer chances to physically move and do the normal activity. They should have while working things manually on their own. This lack of physical activity can lead them to health issues which can become a major problem for them.

People become lazy too, they prefer doing all their work with a click of a button. And they prefer not going out and spending their time in front of a screen. It has many negative implications like not being socially secure, not being exposed to natural light, not being physically healthy, and another such impacts.

The health issues can include heart disease, diabetes, and depression. Moreover, they are more likely to gain weight and have disturbed sleep cycles. The long sitting hours in front of the screen also tend to make your body posture bad. And other related issues can also arise.

Impacts of Remote working:

Remote working has increased since COVID-19 made people realize the positive and negative impacts of remote working. Remote working requires people to sit and work long hours. That tends to disrupt their daily routine and physical activity. That they could have done if they were working in an office environment.

Remote working does not only create physical health issues, it can also have emotional health issues. Like people can have difficulty separating or balancing their private and work life, while working from the comfort of their homes. It makes the person overwhelmed and difficult to cope in such a situation.

As we mentioned above everything has two sides to the story, online working also has both positive and negative impacts. The positive impact includes the benefit of being able to work while being in the comfort of their home. It creates a safe space for people to work productively as they are not influenced by the fast-paced office environment to cater to. Creativity flows when a person is in a comfortable environment and they can work more.

Moreover, if anyone has any health issues but still wants to work, the remote working option enables them to follow that dream. And enable them to work without having to risk their health more or without being hard on themselves.

Excessively dependent:

People get excessively dependent on technology. So they stop putting up efforts and they don’t even come up with creative ideas that they can do themselves uniquely. Excessive dependence on technology also hurts mental health. Like anxiety, depression, and anger that can come up whenever there is any hindrance for them to use technology. In short, it makes people feel paralyzed, if they are unable to access their devices, whenever they need to do anything.

Educational and insightful learning:

Technology is something that it’s an impact depending on how you use it. So, it depends on the person, if it’s used by someone who wants to gain a lot of knowledge and insights, on their topic of interest and in general, they want to increase knowledge in different topics. Then technology can prove to be a great help for them. They can get a large amount of detailed information, whenever they want through websites, YouTube, and any social media channel.

The education and insightful element of technology is a big and positive impact it can have on people. If we see it in a big picture or bird’s eye view then what better way to gain knowledge, than when you can access it in the comfort of your home and whenever you want it?

Moreover, with the increase in digital learning and different mediums or channels of sharing knowledge like articles, courses, and podcasts, all these mediums provide great length of educational information that helps people with their work and productivity.

Resources for Multiple Income options:

Technology and rapid digitalization allow people to have many sources of income. That can enable them to fulfill or accomplish their sense of creativity and passion for their art or any business idea that they want to work on online. Due to technological advancements, people can work on anything and earn from it like they can be a writer, a designer, a photographer, a small business owner, or anything of that sort. That can make them use their talent to earn. Technology and online sources enable them to have one or more income source. That makes them feel relieved as they do not have to depend on any one source of income.

Great Reach and Awareness:

Technology and digitalization have made it easy for people to build a great sense of reach and awareness for their brands and businesses. Technology enables them to reach a great amount of audiences through social media and other channels. It allows them to break geographical barriers as well, as technology allows them to reach potential audiences, residing outside of their geographical location.

It allows your business to get more customers. And hence more chances of creating goodwill and a good impression on potential customers. A good reach and awareness make the business sound authentic and trustworthy for the target audience. Hence, technology plays a major role for the people and their businesses.

Steps for being active and Productive:

It’s essential to know that technology and its impact depend on the way it is used. We can take various measures to reduce the amount of time we spend on the devices and the technological use overall.

  • Firstly, you can use apps that help you to limit screen time like Calm and Headspace are two top apps that can enable you to be mindful about your screen time. It allows you to spend your time on other things as well instead of keeping your eyes glued to the screen. It allows you to take frequent breaks whenever they are needed.
  • Secondly, you can include exercising in your routine. It fulfills the need for physical activity that you cannot get due to being busy with technology. It increases the chances of enhancing physical health and avoiding any future health issues.
  • Moreover, another thing you can manage is to add an activity that you can do daily. It allows you to stick to a routine away from technology and it can allow you to realign with yourself and have a “me time”.
  • Find time to reconnect with nature so that you can rest and heal when you are out in nature. The sunshine, the grass, the fresh air, everything can make you feel good, once you come out of that screen time. It allows you to be more confident in interpersonal relationships.
  • Start a new hobby that doesn’t need any screen time. It allows you to grow and cultivate your inner self. Moreover, another thing or factor you can add to it is finding more people with the same interests. So that it can be your way to socialize and have a good time.
  • Ensure that you are not working nonstop if you are working from home. You should take frequent breaks, stretch, and shift your posture. So that you do not get any health issues or stiffness in the future.
  • There is a tendency for people to have less attention span when they are dependent on online content, mostly short-form content. It starts to limit their attention and they cannot carry out detailed things and information, which is concerning so one, must keep trying to adapt to activities and things. That can help them to keep their focus and attention span intact. It’s essential to keep the attention span safe.

Exploring the Multifaceted Landscape of Digital Technology Services

Website Development Services

Your website is often the first point of contact for potential customers. It needs to be not just visually appealing but also user-friendly, responsive, and optimized for search engines. Our Website Development Services ensure that your online storefront is not only stunning but also highly functional, offering a seamless user experience that keeps visitors engaged and coming back for more.

Mobile App Development Services

With the proliferation of smartphones, having a mobile app is almost a prerequisite for businesses today. Our Mobile App Development Services enable you to tap into the enormous mobile user base. We create apps that are not just intuitive and feature-rich but also tailored to your specific business needs, enhancing customer engagement and loyalty.

Digital Marketing Services

Once your website and app are in place, the next step is to drive traffic and convert visitors into customers. Our Digital Marketing Services encompass a range of strategies, from SEO and social media marketing to pay-per-click advertising and content marketing. We craft data-driven campaigns to boost your online visibility, drive leads, and increase revenue.


Thus, it shows that technology can affect people in both ways like there are always two sides of the story to things. Moreover, it also depends on the person and how he uses it. You can get major health issues if you get too dependent on it. You can lose the personal and work-life balance if you are working from home. And you can become addicted to the screens.

 You can become lazy, and on the other side of things you can have a great amount of information from the technological advancements. You can create multiple sources of income for yourself through this rapid digitalization. You can also build and establish brands through using the digital channel.

Hence, it shows one must make oneself accountable for their own healthy choices. So, that they do not become more dependent on technology; which makes one paralyzed to even work for oneself other than keep on sticking to the screen for anything and everything.